Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Working Car Museum Nagano はらたくじどうしゃ博物館

I would like to thank Mr. Tsuchida from The Working Car Museum for his kindness and hospitality today. I had an amazing time at his museum looking at his thousands of models, including some of the rarest items I have ever seen. I am proud that Mr. Tsuchida accepted one of my custom PC1250LC Komatsus for his collection. It was really an honor to visit his museum, and the highlight of my stay in Japan. I also thank him for the wonderful really was an amazing time. A special mention also goes to my girlfriend who organized the trip. Without her efforts I would not have been able to find the museum and also have such an in-depth conversation with Mr. Tsuchida. Photos here:

はらたくじどうしゃ博物館の土田さんの心温かさに非常に感謝し、感動しました。彼の素晴らしいコレクションには今まで見たことも無いようなレアー物があり、目移りするほど多いモデルがありました。私が作ったカスタムのPC1250LC KOMATSU を受けっていただき、非常に嬉しいです。日本に居た今までの5年間、色んな経験をしてますが、この日は私の中では一生忘れない、思い出に残る一日でしょう。博物館を見させていただいただけでも本当に光栄でしたのに、素敵なプレゼントまでいただいて本当に申し訳ありません。心から感謝しております。

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